Head Office

Jl. Ciputat Raya No. 27-i Pondok Pinang, 12310 Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia
Phone: +62 21 7590 8641 Fax: +62 21 7590 8644

Workshop & Warehouse (Tangerang area)

Fabrication Workshop 
Fabrication Workshop with 5 Ton Over Head Crane & Blasting/Painting Chamber

Material warehouse
Taman Tekno 4 Blok E3 No. 20-21 Serpong, 15311 Tangerang, Indonesia
Phone: +62 21 7588 2301, Fax: +62 21 7588 2300

Balikpapan Office

PT Sarku Enjinering Utama
Jl. Belakang Mall BB
Cluster Little China Blok AB 7 No 36 – Balikpapan Baru
Kelurahan Damai , Kecamatan Balikpapan Selatan
Balikpapan 76114
Kalimantan Timur

Fabrication Yard Handil

Jl. Inpres RT. 34, Kelurahan Muara Jawa Ulu, Kec. Muara Jawa
Kebupaten Kutai Kartanegara, Kalimantan Timur


Our services are performed and delivered by certified and well-trained technicians with high quality equipments and within proper facilities. We are result oriented and put strong emphasis on delivering a high value facility that meets our clients’ standard and business needs. We employ highly skilled and field-experienced personnel as well as a high-quality and comprehensive set of equipment to ensure safety and efficiency in our projects.






Only for the best

PT. Sarku Enjineering Utama provides not only an opportunity to grow your career, but also chances to nourish your skill and professionalism, supported with supportive and healthy working environment for all SEU Staff

Send Your CV
